Instructions for Authors

About the IB
Editorial Staff


The Western Association of Map Libraries Information Bulletin publishes feature articles, photo essays, reviews, association business, and selected news and notes related to all forms of cartographic information, including maps, spatial data, GIS, and all aspects of map librarianship. Articles are invited that will address the interests of the publication’s audience. Individuals are encouraged to submit unsolicited articles for consideration.

General Information

By submitting content to the IB editors, the author acknowledges the following:

  • The author holds the copyright to any submitted content.  The author gives the IB permission to publish, archive, and distribute the content, as well as receive attribution for the citation, and migrate the work to other formats.
  • The content will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license.  If the author wishes to choose a more restrictive license for their work, the author should contact the IB Editor.
  • The author is liable for any violations of copyright within their submitted content.  Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use any copyrighted images or information within their submitted content.
  • The author’s submitted content is original work, has not been published elsewhere, and is not under consideration by another journal.
  • If the submitted content is republished elsewhere, it must state that it was originally published in the IB, and must include the IB URL.
  • The author has the right to submit their own content to a repository.
  • External links to the IB and to individual pages are welcome as long as no fee is required for access to the content.


File Format: Content should be submitted to the Information Bulletin Editor via email in either Microsoft Word or Google Doc format.  Please do not submit content in HTML.  See the Graphics section below for acceptable image file formats.

Text Formatting: Do not include any special formatting in the article, such as page breaks or indentations.  Paragraphs should be separated by one line break and should not be indented.

Graphics:  Cartographic information is, for the most part, a visual medium, so graphics should be included whenever possible.  Submit graphics separately from the text.  Do not embed graphics within the text file.  Note the approximate location of a graphic and its caption by inserting a separate sentence in the text of the article:

(Insert Figure 1 Here.  Caption: A section of Waldseemüller’s map)

Graphics should be submitted in one of the following image formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png.  Images should be no larger than 700 pixels wide.  Name the files according to their location (example: figure1.jpg).  If you would like to embed audio, video or documents, please contact the editor for instructions and acceptable file types.

If you did not create the graphic content yourself, include written copyright permission for reproduction of the content from the copyright holder.

References: References should be included in the text in Author, Date format: (Wilson, 2010). References cited should be listed at the end of the article in a separate section titled REFERENCES. Citations should be listed alphabetically and written in Author, Date style. References to websites should be written:

Author’s Last Name, First Name, Month, Day & Year Updated. Title of the website. <URL> (Date site accessed).

Author Information: The author should include a brief title before the text of the article. Information about the author(s) should also be included: author’s name, position, institution, address, and e-mail address.  A phone number also may be included if desired.

Editing: The Information Bulletin editors reserve the right to make minor copy-editing changes.

Acceptance of articles: The Information Bulletin editors reserve the right to accept or reject articles.

Deadlines:  Content may be submitted at any time, and will be included in the next available issue if approved.  Deadlines for each issue are set by the current IB Editor.  Typically the 15th of the month prior to the month for which the issue is named (i.e. October 15 for the November issue, February 15 for the March issue, or June 15 for the July issue).  Please contact the IB Editor at least three weeks before these deadlines for content consideration in that issue.

Book & Geospatial Resources Reviews

Atlas and book reviews are welcome.  If you are interested in writing a review or would like some guidance in writing a review, please contact the Book & Atlas Review editor listed on the Editorial Staff page.

File Format: Reviews should be submitted to the Book & Atlas Review Editor via email in either Microsoft Word or ASCII text format.  Please do not submit content in HTML.

Text Formatting: Do not include any special formatting in the article, such as page breaks or indentations.  Paragraphs should be separated by one line break and should not be indented.

Bibliographic Citation:  The bibliographic citation should include: Author’s name, title, edition (if applicable), place of publication, publisher, date, number of pages, price, LC number (if known), and ISBN number (if known). An example, including correct punctuation, is given below:

Lock, C.B. Muriel. Geography and Cartography: A Reference Handbook. Third edition, revised and enlarged. London: Clive Bingley, 1976. 762 p. $32.50. LC: 76-8273. ISBN: 0-208-01522-1

Reviewer Information: The reviewer should include their name, position, institution, address, and e-mail address.  A phone number also may be included if desired.

Editing: The Information Bulletin editors reserve the right to make minor copy-editing changes.

Acceptance of reviews: The Information Bulletin editors reserve the right to accept or reject reviews.

Deadlines:  Please submit your review to the Book & Geospatial Resources Review editor by the 15th of the month prior to the month for which the issue is named (i.e. October 15 for the November issue, February 15 for the March issue, or June 15 for the July issue).

Thank you to the editor of the online journal Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship for assisting us in developing these policies.