President’s Message Winter 2022

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President’s Message

By Katherine Strickland

Photo of Katherine Strickland
Katherine Strickland – 2022-2023 WAML President

Thanks to everyone who participated in the WAML 2022 Conference. I always learn from and enjoy the presentations and attendee comments and insights. I want to extend my gratitude to the conference planning committee, Lena Denis, Meagan Duever, Kevin Dyke, Heather Ross, and Evan Thornberry, whose efforts made the virtual event run smoothly. I am excited to announce that WAML 2023 planning is well underway.

As announced in September’s WAML Business Meeting, the WAML Appointed Positions were updated to reflect changes in the work appointees perform. These changes are the culmination of the assessment and insights from the Appointed Position Review Ad Hoc Committee members, Paige Andrew, Matt Parsons, Susan Powell (chair), and Janet Reyes, past and present appointees, and past-president Evan Thornberry. Thanks to all of you.

Please remember that all WAML members are welcome to join our monthly Executive Board meetings. Keep an eye out for invitations to register from Rebecca Seifried. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 7, from 10:00 am-12:00 pm (Pacific) / 1:00 pm-3:00 pm (Eastern).

I would be remiss not to take a moment to mention the passing of WAML founding member and President Stan Stevens. I met him at the 50th Anniversary celebration during the WAML 2017 Conference. He was delightful, and his impact on this community continues. Please take a moment to learn more about Stan and WAML in his own words in the Information Bulletin. Personal Reflections and Perspectives written for the 20th anniversary of WAML (republished in IB 49:1) and 50 Years Young, a speech delivered at the 50th anniversary of WAML (published in IB 49:2). My deepest condolences to all of the WAMLites that worked more closely with Stan throughout the years.

Katherine Strickland
WAML President 2022-2023
Maps Coordinator
University of Texas Libraries
University of Texas at Austin