WAML 2014 Meeting Minutes

WAML Executive Board Meeting
Annual Conference 2014
Meeting Minutes

Sept. 3, 2014

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Time: 2:04 pm
Location: UCLA – Sunset Village
Head of Meeting: Jon Jablonski
Minute takers: Ken Rockwell & Chrissy Klenke


Officers: President – Jon Jablonski | Vice President/Pres Elect – Chris Thiry | Treasurer – Lisa Lamont | Secretary – Chrissy Klenke (Late) | Past President – Katie Lage

Others Present: Louise Ratliff, Greg Armento, Kathy Rankin, Manuel Urrizola, Tom Brittnacher, Ken Rockwell, Dorothy McGarry, Kathy Stroud


Old Business – No old business

New Business –

  1. Motions to amend Bylaws
  2. IB Discussion – Future of subscription and membership manager positions in light of the digital IB
  3. Officers Reports
  4. 2015 meeting planning
  5. LA Conference Update
  6. Permanent mailing address for WAML
  7. Tax exempt status and incorporation / finances
  8. Duties of the treasurer
  9. Duties of the Secretary
  10. Other Agenda Items

Jon reviewed the agenda

call for additional items:

  1. Ken – discussion of updating IB index.
  2. Jon reported on Ex Board phone call management during the year. We will report results at the Friday business meeting.



  1. Motions to amend bylaws
  1. Core region (Bylaw # 10.1)
    1. Suggest to put amendment to vote on Friday.

Proposal: Change WAML Principal Region to include Texas.

Reasoning: We have some new, active WAML members from Texas. This would allow us to meet in Texas without a vote of the membership.

Current wording can be found here: http://waml.org/bylaws.html , under #10, Principal Region.

Proposed wording (additions in bold):

Bylaw #10. Principal Region

10.1 The following states of the United States and provinces of Canada shall comprise the Principal Region for the purpose of selecting the sites of general meetings of the Membership:

Alaska, Alberta, Arizona, British Columbia, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Texas, Washington, Wyoming

  1. Holding meetings outside the core region (Bylaw # 4.1)
    1. Decision to leave at ⅔ of votes cast to be put to vote on Friday

Proposal: Change the requirement that 2/3 of the entire membership approve holding a meeting outside of the principal region to 2/3 of the voting members.

Reasoning: We feel there are many “silent” members in WAML and getting the level of participation required to achieve 2/3 of the entire membership is an unnecessarily high bar for deciding on a meeting location.

Proposed wording (additions in bold):

Bylaw #4. Meetings of the Membership

4.1 The Association shall hold general meetings at times and places within the Principal Region as selected by the Executive Board after consultation with the Membership. General meetings of the Membership may be held outside the Principal Region as extraordinary circumstances require. A ballot vote of the entire Membership is required to schedule such a meeting, with an approval vote of a 2/3rds majority of the membership votes cast.


  1. IB discussion Future of subscription and membership manager positions in light of the digital IB (Information Bulletin)
  1. Membership manager
    1. Kathy S. has resigned from membership manager.
    2. Subscription manager’s duties are going away as it will be online access – electronic IB
      1. We’ll leave the discussion of “Community Manager” (re-jiggered Subscription + Membership managers. Tabled because we don’t know exactly what the subscriptions managers duties will entail. Greg is currently subscription manager.
      2. We will need to write a description for this new job
    3. PB wiki still exist? Yes. Credentials were found by the end of the week.
    4. We will put a membership renewal / this is your last print issue insert into the final print IB.
    5. What is the benefit of membership?
    6. proposed benefit to have access and download digital volumes via the website (Lisa L.)
    7. What more organizational outreach can we do?
      1. Louise- recommends seeing MAGIRT’s similar discussion on promotion. Report is available on MAGIRT website.
      2. Publish Interactive maps via ArcGIS online (may not be cost-effective)
      3. Louise – could produce member only webinars (MAGIRT makes $ on webinars)
      4. Jon – MAGIRT gave us permission to use their service/produce joint webinars – use this for continuing the work CUAC used to do networking with federal agencies by having government agency reps do webinars.
      5. Jon will send out notice – Last/Final Print issue will be sent out.
    1. Tom = editor ; Jon = Production ; Ilene Raynes. = Book Reviews ; Mike Smith news and notes
    2. IB will now be electronic. No more subscriptions
    3. There will be a members only section that will require a login. The rest will be open access to all.
    4. New “community manager” will review this list of annual membership
    5. Louise – We need to promote IB, seek more content.
    6. WAML will create the accounts – “Community Manager” would provide members with a login.
    7. Editor’s report
      1. 45 1.2.3: published or in press.
      2. did membership and subscription managers get an honorarium for last year?
      3. 3 will be re-published as a digital IB – mid-November
    8. How should we do copyright and author’s rights? Tom is seeking input. Katie will work with him on this.
    9. We’ll leave the discussion of “Community Manager” (re-jiggered Subscription + Membership managers) for later.
  1. Officers reports
    1. Secretary’s report – N/A
    2. Treasurer’s report
    3. Lisa suggested to use paypal account / debit for account instead of Bank of America – with board approval Lisa will look into this.
    4. Treasurer suggested to save all accounts and passwords to something like LastPass
      1. Keepers of the passwords will be Treasurer, Secretary, & President
      2. Jon’s rules of order – Board voted and approved – Keepers of the password Treasurer, Secretary, & President we will establish procedures of password with annual changes.
    5. Business manager’s report
      1. May break even this conference – we are liable for unfilled rooms, but they were able to only pay for the 90% thanks to Lisa’s negotiation skills.
    6. Subscription manager’s report
      1. subscriptions were up. we’ll need to return about 10 checks.
      2. Very few claims for missed IB’s
    7. Information Bulletin editor’s report
      1. Greg will contact libraries and jobbers separately.
      2. Greg is thanked.
    8. Past-President’s report
      1. Katie will form her nominations Will seek nominations for secretary, vice president/president elect
    9. Hospitality report
      1. Yvonne will be here but Louise has been great so far!
    10. Membership manager’s report
      1. 7 life members
      2. 56 paying members–but no formal call went out this year.
      3. 16 of these are new or lapsed
    11. Web Manager’s report – Daniel
      1. Not here – N/A follow the lead of the IB
    12. Publications committee
      1. need to make sure we continue to contact the indexer with each release.
      2. Katie asks if we want to continue paid indexing with the completely OA IB?–Will discuss at Publications Committee meeting on Friday.
      3. Ken – Making sure the new hired indexer will get the past and future volumes.
      4. Invoice is sent to Lisa – talk more on Friday.
      5. Main index is on our Website in PDF.
      6. Recent email sent to help review the current volume. See email.
      7. decided to continue for now – google maybe – keyword searching
      8. last 3 volumes need to be added.
    13. archivists report – Jane
  1. 2015 meeting planning
    1. still in negotiations
    2. Jon suggested ESRI? Spoke with Angela Lee from ESRI – Still in negotiations
    3. Benefits arrange for some training?
    4. Corporate facilities vs. Campus facilities
    5. Avoid other meetings GSA/GISIS/ NASIS/ etc
    6. Need to get a date and place – Oct (fall) meeting seems to be popular
    7. Redlands vs Bay Area (co-meeting MAGIRT?)
    8. Texas? – Will determine – open to vote
    9. 2016 & 2017 – Stanford (room should be ready) & UCSB
  1. LA conference update (Any other updates I am missing?)
    1. Conference guidelines
      1. fees we have adopted a policy – sign up for a meeting – get a free membership. Jon will add this as ‘best practice’ to conference manual.
      2. Greg – discussion dues vs no dues.
      3. Jon – going to keep dues
    2. Only digital copies to be able to download for membership fees?
    3. Does WAML have the copyright to digitize the articles in the historical IBs?
  1. Permanent mailing address for WAML (or keep rotating?)
    1. Currently rotates with Treasurers
    2. For an ISSN we need a physical mailing address.  Can’t be a P.O. Box.
    3. Tom will plan to use his UCSB address because he maintains the IB. Until the tax issues are resolved, the current address remain as Lisa’s.
    4. Only concern is Bank account – This is electronic and will not affect mailing address
  1. Tax exempt status and incorporation / finances
    1. Lisa described current situation
    2. We are in limbo between California & Federal tax issues.
    3. Due to this issue we may or may not have to pay 1,600 in back taxes and penalty fees to both California and Feds.
    4. Fall back position dissolve the corporation and file “tax exempt association instead of tax exempt corporation”
    5. May need accounting or legal assistance/advice – Board Agrees
    6. Lisa – if we lose tax exempt then dissolve immediately
    7. Jon – just wait till it resolves it self.
    8. Lisa will keep us all informed on what happens
    9. Lisa suggest to use paypal account / debit for account instead of bank of America – and that we should have one all accounts and passwords to something like LastPass
    10. Keepers of the password should be Treasurer, Secretary, & President
    11. Motion: Keepers of the passwords shall be the Treasurer, Secretary, & President. We will establish procedures of password with annual changes
      1. Chris seconded the motion – Approved unanimously
  1. Duties of the treasurer
    1. Suggest honoraria – Can’t be done due to current Bylaw.
    2. Jon suggests to revise bylaw to give honorarium to Treasure – amend bylaw 7.1 “officers with the exception of the treasurer will not get honoraria” – further discussion about this.
    3. It is such an involved and important position, as Lisa has demonstrated.
    4. Idea was generally supported, but tabled due to short notice
  2. Duties of the Secretary
    1. bylaws has the information
    2. Get more information from Cynthia (job description)
  3. Other Notes
    1. IB content & Webinars need to be a focus this year
    2. Follow up on the “Future of WAML” discussion from the Yosemite meeting : Katie and Kathy S. will discuss.

Notes taken by Ken Rockwell & Chrissy Klenke

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